Our Mission


To build the power, effectiveness and voice of community development and neighborhood improvement organizations in ensuring just and equitable development that benefits all Detroit’s neighborhoods.

We serve our members through:

  • Public policy advocacy
  • Community engagement
  • Strong neighborhood initiatives
  • Capacity building and knowledge sharing to strengthen our practice and collective impact


We envision a Detroit where all neighborhoods have equitable voice, power and influence in neighborhood decisions; and there is a just and comprehensive system of community development that centers the needs and visions of community residents.

Core Values


Acknowledging that community development is about social justice—the right of everyone to participate, make decisions and determine the future of their neighborhoods and community.


Performing our work in a way that inspires trust, is transparent, and accountable.


For ourselves, colleagues, members, partners and specifically the expertise of Detroit residents.


Appreciation and inclusion of different viewpoints, experiences, cultures and backgrounds, with a commitment to ensuring diversity in CDAD’s organization,  activities and Detroit’s community development industry.

Guiding Principles

  • We are committed to social justice.
  • We serve as strong policy advocate.
  • We support the existence of healthy and vibrant neighborhoods for all Detroiters.
  • We create valuable member benefits and resources.
  • We recognize and uplift Neighborhood voice.